Tihomir Karanfilov
Official history has not yet corrected the major mistakes and claims that the Slavs came to the Balkans in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries.
Some key parts of world history need to change why the latest epochal revelations no one can dispute. The latest evidence, as a result of the analysis of the records and artifacts performed by the most modern scientific methods, suggests that the Slavs lived in this area at least 10,000 years before our era. This latest evidence will challenge many established theories and many will dislike and be rejected. Of course, the Greeks are the first to disapprove, because they ruin all Greek fiction.
Harvard professor dr. Anatoly Kljosov, the world’s leading scientist in the field of genealogy, a former professor at Moscow State University Lomonosov, at a scientific conference held in September 1912. In Belgrade, Serbia, attended by many academics, professors and scholars, it was an interesting fact that Russian schools teach that Slavs moved to Russia from the Balkan Peninsula around the 7th century, while the Balkans teach quite the opposite. , that the Slavs had settled in the Balkans from behind the Carpathians. This American scientist of Russian origin claims that the Russians are descendants of the people whose ancestry was on the territory of Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia !!!
In addition to prof. ect. Anatoly Kljosov, of particular interest is the research of the Italian physicist, astronomer, historian and linguist. Giancarlo Tomecoli Titiani, who has worked for more than 12 years at the European Patent Office based in Munich. He is the author of scientific discoveries in the history of linguistics, especially in deciphering the inscriptions of the ancient Venetian, Sarmatian and Minoan civilizations.
Serbian media reports that Dr Giancarlo Tomecoli thinks Germans know the history that is forbidden to ordinary mortals! That is to say: „Of course they know it, when their historians in collaboration with the Vatican are the main counterfeiters! Now that they want to land on the warm sea, on the Adriatic, they are slowly releasing the truth … „
Born in Verona, Italy, to the Venetian region as well as his ancestors, meaning its deep Slavic roots, Dr. Giancarlo Tomecoli says:
„The north of Italy is not made up of Italians, but Slavs – Wendy, or Venetians, after which the city of Venice bears its name! I realized that our popular Italian language does not belong to the current linguistic Latin roots … So I realized that the popular language we speak is not Italian. Our language is the language of the Venetians. I have studied and studied where such differences, between the folk language and the one used in scientific, ecclesiastical-Latin circles. After analyzing, listing the acts, the records, researching them in the field and trying to decipher the old inscriptions on the tombstones and ancient historical monuments and objects, I found that the Italian language was created, formed, shaped in 1,500, and the language venetian or the people of the Venetians much older. In fact, I noticed, researching, that there is a population in Venice called the Veneti. They spoke and always wrote in a letter and language that was different from Latin. „
Although the official view of Italian scientists is that the Veneto language is close to Latin, as Dr. Tomecoli says, „I realized that in the old language the Veneto language had something interesting, that they wrote texts, messages, praises, gifts so that they didn’t the words were shared. Looking at those written sentences, … analyzing those inscriptions, I noticed that the language of the Venetians had nothing to do with Latin, nor with the root of Latin. I came to realize that the Venetian words have an amazing resemblance to the Slavic language. Or with the language of the Slavic nations. „
Dr. Tomecoli has been trying to translate whole lines of vowel sentences for years and understand their meaning. But while trying to do it with the help of Italian or Latin it was impossible. He achieved his first successes when he began to translate with the help of old venetian expressions, words, and above all with Slavic language and script. The best translation was when Veneto interpreted it with Slavic words and language.
Shortly after joining Ambroseich’s research work in the United States, the two managed to translate the longest sentences, inscriptions into the Venetians‘ language. They made a complete translation of what they found in the language of Veneto. While they completely translated and understood ancient records, Italian official science had not moved forward for decades. She simply „translated a few words that make no sense“. What they have translated into division is actually a Venetian prayer, „says the Italian scholar.
Today, the Italians slowly understand who the Venetians were. As Dr. Tomecoli says: “The Slavs lived in eastern and southern Europe back in the Paleolithic period. Which means that the Slavs lived and had their culture in the Balkans and in Europe at least 10,000 years before our era. … What I can say for sure is that the Venetians spoke in Protoslavian language. The Venetians were not a small nation. This is testified by numerous monuments, which survived all times, older than Roman or Ancient Greek. „
These are the words of a famous and renowned European and Italian scientist. Giancarlo Tomecoli is very interesting for us Macedonians, as well as for the other Balkan peoples, because they talk a lot and they unequivocally prove that the Venetians are our ancestors who have lived in this region for at least 12,000 years.
In this context, he cites the „ancient peoples who have been referring to the Venetians since Homer’s time,“ so that the name of this tribe would also refer to the hero of the Trojan War Aeneas, then to the royal family of Dardan in the „Iliad“ . … The Venetians also mention Herodotus in his „History“ and their seaside town of Aeneas in Macedonia … „
Dr. Giancarlo Tomecoli thinks that „of great importance to the Venetians ‚ research are the Etruscans (Raseni) in the modern region of Italy, and the Etruscan inscriptions can clarify and relate many things. The official language of Venetian language today recognizes it as Indo-European, though it puts it a bit further away from this family of languages. The Venetian texts have general characteristics of Baleo-Balkan literacy, as noted by Mateja Bohr, and both languages may have common roots from the Pelasgian period. „
This is why the research with the Bulgarian linguist is interesting. Pavel Serafimov on the Minoan civilization of Crete. Together they worked on the translation of five Minoan culture records. For these studies ect. Tomecoli says:
„Scientists were not aware at that time in which language or languages the objects, inscriptions, plates, monuments were written. Science has assumed that it is one of the ancient Greek dialects. However, when trying to translate ancient texts using the ancient Greek, the translations failed, or to be clear, the translations made no sense. Other researchers, linguists, have tried to translate using Phoenician knowledge. What was the main motive for me to consistently prove that the Old Slavonic language was at stake is the fact that this group of scholars also came up with even more meaningless translations of Minoan plates written in an ancient letter. They never tried to use Slavic in translating this letter. They were mostly used with Hittite, Ancient Greek, Phoenician, Hebrew …
Dr. Tomecoli concludes that with their knowledge, his fellow scholars and academics could not make the translation, especially when they adhere to the theory that the Slavs came to the Balkans in the fifth and sixth centuries. As he then says:
„According to the linguistic theory of continuity, the Slavs lived and existed in eastern and southern Europe since the Paleolithic period. That is to say, the Slavs in Europe, in the Balkans existed, lived their culture, at least 10,000 years before our era … „Protoslavians lived on Crete! This is how the latest research speaks. „
After the translations were made, the official Western science retreated a bit and still can’t believe it. At least the Greeks can understand this fact, nor can their stomach understand the latest evidence that they are newcomers to this area. But, as the Italian scientist says:
„They have no scientific arguments that can challenge our thesis, evidence and refute our theory. Why? How is it possible to translate almost completely the old manuscripts accepted by modern science with the help of the Old Slavonic language, if not for the Protoslavians themselves ?! That population spoke the Minoan Slavonic language. Where did the Minoan culture come from? The answer is pushing itself! It is therefore possible today to say with certainty that there was a population speaking Crusades in Crete. This is how we have successfully made all our translations. „And these Pravlaish languages today live in Macedonian, Serbian, Russian, Czech, Polish …“
In the end, Dr. Giancarlo Tomecoli Titiani emphasized the following:
„In his work on Paleolithic Continuity Theory, our renowned Professor Mario Alinei explains that the claim of the late appearance of the Slavs in Europe is absolutely absurd and must be replaced by the scenario of a continuous Slavic presence in Europe from the Paleolithic era. In this way the demographic growth and geographical distribution of the Slavs can be explained, which is the result of the remarkable success of the continuity and stability of the Neolithic cultures in Southeast Europe. „ http://www.mn.mk/komentari/8564-Istorija-zabraneta-za-obicni-smrtnici